"The Government of Maldives is committed to ensuring that the rights of persons with disability are respected and ensured", stressed His Excellency Mr. Ahmed Sareer, Permanent Representative of the Maldives to the United Nations. The Ambassador made this remark while speaking at the ninth Conference of State Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities .

Ambassador Sareer outlined the regulations and rulings made under the Disability Act of Maldives, which makes provisions for Disability Minimum Standards, Regulation on Providing Financial Assistance and Assistive Devices to People with Disabilities, and the Regulation on Disability Registry. He noted that under the Disability Register, persons with disabilities are listed on official documentation and therefore receive noteworthy subsidies.. He further highlighted the work undertaken by the Disability Council to raise awareness about disabilities and to counter stigma related to it.

The Maldives statement underlined the many challenges faced in developing and implementing effective measures to combat inequality among persons with disabilities. 'Providing appropriate healthcare, mobility and accessibility of services to a population highly dispersed over 180 inhabited islands is extremely challenging', Ambassador Sareer stated. He noted the need for assistance, expertise and support of the international community, in partnering with the Government towatds catering to the needs of people with disabilities.