"The Government of Maldives is committed to working diligently to maintain the low prevalence of HIV in the country", said His Excellency Mr. Ahmed Sareer, Permanent Representative of the Maldives to the United Nations.  He made this statement while addressing the United Nations General Assembly at its High-level meeting on HIV/AIDS.

Ambassador Sareer outlined the country's multi-sectoral National Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS that runs from 2014 to 2018 and is tasked with 3 main objectives.  First, is to strengthen essential services target at key affected populations; secondly, to improve prevention efforts for gemeral population and special groups including youth and migrants; and third, to reduce the stigma and discrimination surrounding HIV and AIDS.  The Ambassador noted the need for support from the international community in accessing the required technical expertise and financial resources to achieve these objectives.

The Maldives statement highlighted the challenges it faces in the fight against HIV/AIDS. "Despite the preventive and control measures taken by the Government to prevent and control the spread of HIV and AIDS, we are confronted with much constraints in carrying out effective and efficient target programs and interventions", it was noted. 


Geographical distribution of the country making the implementation and delivery of services difficult and costly; the challenges to access international funding systems following the graduation of Maldives from LDC list; and limited civil society partners in reaching out to key affected populations were identified as some of these constraints.

Ambassador Sareer also expressed the full support of the Maldivian government for the UN political declaration and called upon all member states to support each other in working towards the eradication of HIV/AIDS by 2030.