Maldives highlighted the importance of a persistent, systemic approach to moving from vision to implementation of the several important documents adopted in 2015.

Speaking at a High Level Roundtable on "Innovative Partnerships for Addressing Environmental Challenges in the Implementation of the SAMOA Pathway and the 2030 Agenda" held on 25 May 2016, on the side-lines of the United Nations Environment Assembly being held in Nairobi, Kenya, his Excellency Mr Ahmed Sareer, Permanent Representative of Maldives to the United Nations, spoke of the partnership framework for SIDS, established through General Assembly resolution 70/292. The Partnership Framework is aimed at following up on the partnerships announced in Samoa at the Third International Conference on SIDS, as well as encourages new partnerships.

The Roundtable provided the opportunity to focus on the specific issues with regard to the environmental challenges faced by SIDS, including climate change, land degradation, desertification, loss of biodiversity and the increasing frequency, impact and scale of natural disasters. In this regard, Ambassador Sareer highlighted the need for new partnerships that look at innovative approaches, learning from best practices, and building on past experiences, that are SIDS specific and targeted.

Ambassador Sareer moderated the Roundtable which focused on two main topics moderated the Roundtable: environment and oceans, and innovative financing. The Roundtable included high-level speakers from a cross-section of SIDS countries, and their partners.