14 October 2011, New York; Maldives delivered a statement on the Rights of the Child today in the Third Committee of the United Nations, affirming the commitment to strengthening the rights of children in the Maldives and throughout the world. The statement touched on a number of topics important to children in the Maldives and throughout the world. It reiterated the Maldives commitment to undertaking its duties as a member of the UN Human Rights Council with “full knowledge of the important role we have been asked to play” by the international community, including protecting the rights of children.

It also spoke highly of the work done by the Human Rights Council in Geneva and praised the adoption of the Third Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child which will provide a communication mechanism for child victims to report incidents of abuse. The Maldives urged members of the UN General Assembly to support its adoption as well.

Turning to domestic issues, the Maldives acknowledged that much work was yet to be done to further protect its children, but also discussed the improvements to the situation that have been made since the transition to a fully democratic system of government. It pointed to the large number of bills drafted by the government to protect children from violence, the awareness campaigns undertaken to educate the public about available assistance for child victims of violence, and the severe punishment of up to 25 years imprisonment now faced by perpetrators of sexual violence against children as some of the positive steps taken.

It also stated that continued efforts need to be undertaken to improve the secondary- and higher- education systems of the country. In addition, it noted that the Maldives stills suffers from high rates of drug abuse and addiction in its youth, and that addressing the issue is one of the Top Five Key Pledges by the government this year.

The statement went on to discuss the Maldives work internationally, including working with regional partners and its active participation in the South Asian Initiative to Eliminate Violence Against Children (SAIEVAC). Maldives has also supported, and continues to support, all efforts to combat the deplorable practices of forcing children to participate in armed conflict and of trafficking in children for sexual exploitation. The statement concluded by reaffirming Maldives commitment to working with the international community to further the cause of the rights of children worldwide.

The statement was delivered by Mr. Javed Faizal, Second Secretary to the Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York. The Third Committee of the United Nations focuses on social, humanitarian, and cultural affairs. The work of the Third Committee is scheduled to continue until Tuesday 22 November.